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June, 2022

We are thrilled to announce that CANTEX recently received the IMARK Group’s Gold Supplier Award for 2021 for “active involvement, commitment and support of IMARK Electrical and its members." IMARK Group, Inc. is a member-owned marketing group made up of over 800 electrical distributors throughout the US. Over 3,100 electrical distribution branch locations are served by the members of the IMARK Group, who represent 18% of the electrical distribution industry. IMARK electrical programs and resources are valuable tools for stimulating effective business relationships between member distributors and suppliers, resulting in increased profitability and expanded market share for both.

“Getting honored by an organization made up of a large percentage of our customers nationwide is truly an honor! This honor is even more significant this year in light of all the recent challenges the market has faced during and after COVID. It’s a sign that CANTEX managed to keep the respect and trust of our electrical distributors through one of the most difficult times the industry has faced,” said Dave Milius, Vice President of Sales & Marketing for CANTEX, about the prestigious award.

This honor is a source of inspiration for CANTEX to finish well in 2022. CANTEX is motivated to do an even better job of pleasing our PVC electrical customers with quality products and excellent customer service as we strive to win gold or even platinum for 2022!